
Georgie Cowell

High school days

During her time at Caulfield Grammar School, Georgie Cowell (Class of 2017) fully immersed herself in her learning and the co-curricular opportunities that came her way; spreading her time between the Theatre, Music and Sport departments. Georgie’s best memories of her time at Caulfield included performing in the whole school musical in Year 12 and being creative and collaborative with her friends. Georgie loved how the students hold so much power to create incredible change for their peers and future students.


Georgie would tell her 17-year-old self to take things one day at a time and try to put all the “what ifs” out of her mind. She’d also reiterate how important it is to take joy in all the things you do – even studying can be fun when you focus on all the cool things you can learn rather than the stress of exams.


Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)

After graduation Georgie decided to take a leap of faith and move to Perth for a year to study a Diploma of Acting at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA). While this was initially a daunting proposition, it ended up being the best thing Georgie had ever done. It taught her so much about herself, her values, and helped her determine what she needs in life to be happy and healthy. “If you follow your passions you will be the best version of yourself.”


Studying psychology

Since graduating from WAAPA Georgie has taken on a degree in psychology at Deakin University. The diversity of experiences and variety Georgie has in her life enables her to feel like herself and avoid being pigeonholed. After finishing her degree, Georgie sees herself doing postgraduate study and hopefully working in the healthcare field, as well as continuing with performing.

In her spare time

Georgie loves any kind of performing including singing, acting, dancing and playing guitar. She enjoys going out with her friends, staying in with her family, seeing plays and musicals, watching new movies and TV shows, travelling, and playing sport. Georgie’s regular day consists of working either as waitress, performer or assistant in the Theatre department at CGS, playing footy or volleyball, rehearsing for a show and studying in between times.

Georgie still feels a lot of uncertainty about the future, which causes a lot of anxiety – something that a lot of students often face. Part of her wishes she could skip ahead to when things are more stable, but she knows she would miss out on all the good stuff that is happening now. Instead Georgie chooses to focus on the joy of what she is doing and striving to be the best version of herself in the present moment.


Her biggest inspirations are her parents, sisters and friends. Her family encourages her every day to stay strong, be kind and work hard, and her friends encourage her to chase the fun in life. She also reflects on her WAAPA teachers, who remind her of the importance of staying playful in all areas of life. Georgie doesn’t mind where she ends up, as long as she can always do a bit of everything and find some way to help people.


We wish Georgie the best of luck with her journey, and know whatever she does, many people will continue to be thankful for her being in their life.


Read more of International Women’s Day Alumni Profiles here.

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