
Lauren Tran

2020 was unlike any year we have ever seen before and it brought new experiences for everyone. For many it was meant to be the culmination of their schooling life, a time to enjoy being leaders, and celebrating with friends. Lauren Tran (Class of 2020) was one of those students who battled through a year of online learning. She has come out the other side having learnt a great deal and is now looking forward to seeing what life throws at her next.


Growing up with Wheelers Hill

Lauren Tran is a born and bred Grammarian and sees the school as her second home after spending 14 years growing up within it. Of the many experiences with friends, family and staff, Lauren still says that the week of graduation was her most memorable experience – “It felt like a culmination of my 14 years at Caulfield. It was amazing to get to experience it with all my friends and getting to dress up and take pictures was so fun”.



Life at home during the pandemic was different for everyone, but Lauren was able to embrace it and make the most of her year. For Lauren, the most important part of studying was staying motivated and setting concrete goals to work towards in order to earn her breaks and time off. “Learning to be more flexible and listen to my body was also really important for me because I felt like I had to relearn how to study because the environment and all the distractions are completely different at home”.


Although Lauren did her best to work hard through the year, it still had its tough times and took a toll her. Lauren found it challenging trying not to burnout with her studies. The workload can be intense, especially in Year 12, and being able to spend with friends in person meant that it was sometimes hard to find the motivation required to get through. Despite this, Lauren saw it as an opportunity to put self-care routines in place and learn what worked best for her. On top of this, she enjoyed having the flexibility of working on her own time, and the opportunity to eat whenever she wanted! 

“Take time to learn about yourself and trust yourself. Even when things seem scary, back yourself and trust that you are fully equipped to tackle anything that comes and that you’re not alone in this.”

Pursuing science at university

Having completed the tumultuous that was 2020, Lauren Tran has gone on to study a Bachelor of Science Advanced – Global Challenges at Monash University. After spending the year doing online learning, the transition into university lifestyle and studying was easier than first expected. Despite this, Lauren has loved the changes in teaching styles and has found the most surprising aspect of her post high-school life is how rarely there is a right answer or right way to do anything. “It’s something I always knew but it never really sank in because, in high school, there’s still usually a right way to do things… it was surprising to suddenly be confronted with this sense that life is now whatever I want it to be”.



The Foundation Scholarship Program

Lauren Tran has also stayed connected to the Caulfield Grammar School community with her continued work with the Foundation Scholarship Program. As part of this program Lauren has been providing academic and organisational support for students who come from Indigenous and refugee backgrounds. Lauren has loved the opportunity to form wonderful relationships and give back in the way she is best equipped. 


Looking to the future, Lauren doesn’t have any concrete plans that she is restricted to. Instead, she looks to make the most of any and all opportunities that come her way. Right now, science fascinates and excites Lauren as there is always something new to learn and discover. 

“I don’t know what career I’ll have or what will happen along the way, but I hope to take a path that allows me to grow and experience new things and live a balanced life.”

Want to connect with Lauren? You can find her on LinkedIn.


 Grace Waddingham is another young Wheelers Hill Grammarian. Read about her 2021 journey spent as a trainee at Yarra Junction.

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