
Will Hutchins

During his time at Caulfield, Will dedicated many of his days to extracurricular activities, particularly in sports and the performing arts. These activities gave him a sense of belonging and allowed him to forge strong connections with his peers. 


He discovered a passion for volleyball at Caulfield, quickly becoming one of his favourite sports. Initially joining the volleyball team after realising cricket wasn’t for him, he consistently played volleyball and basketball throughout his school years.


In performing arts, Will was actively involved in various productions. During middle school, he participated in shows such as “Shrek,” “The Lion King,” and “Fame Jr.” Upon reaching senior school, he took part in productions like “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” “The Addams Family,” and “Big Fish.” Additionally, he engaged in dance productions known as “Upstage,” despite not being a strong dancer and other plays that were part of the theatre studies curriculum. 



He joined Caulfield in 2013, starting in Year 5, after completing primary school at a different institution. Spending two years at the Malvern campus made the transition smoother, helping him adapt to the new environment and build friendships. 


As a child, Will’s career aspirations evolved significantly. Initially, he aspired to be a paleontologist due to a fascination with dinosaurs. Later, his interest shifted to marine biology, driven by a love for marine life. However, as he grew older, he realised that both fields required extensive scientific expertise. 


Currently, he leads a life of organised chaos. Having left home, he works at a local cinema and as a theatre assistant at a school. His full-time work is in the entertainment industry, primarily as an actor. Will’s schedule is highly variable, often dictated by the needs of the film projects he is involved in. This can mean periods of intense activity followed by stretches of downtime. 


Most of his work occurs in Melbourne or greater Melbourne, though the locations are never consistent. His projects have evolved from student films and independent films to independent TV series and feature films, mainly involving screen work in the independent film and television sector. 


As an actor, his role involves adapting to the schedules and agendas set by others, making routine a challenge. He has trained extensively as an actor and continues to work in this field, finding joy in the unpredictability despite its challenges. 


Will envisions a future where he can make a living by collaborating and creating with others, combining their skills and passions into something meaningful. While he desires to see more of the world, he currently sees himself staying in Australia, as it feels like home. 



His primary sources of inspiration are his family including his mum, dad, and sister, as well as his mentors and peers. The art he has been exposed to, including books and plays, fuels his passion and creativity. 


For fun, Will enjoys playing games like Mario Bros. with friends, reminding himself of the importance of separating work from leisure despite his chaotic schedule. 


Link to IMDB – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11337540/  

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