Coaching/Tutoring for One On One Short Story Biography of Deceased, Prominent Economist, Poet Šefket M Kojić
Job Title Coaching/Tutoring for One On One Short Story Biography of Deceased, Prominent Economist, Poet Šefket M Kojić
Company Name The Collins Project
Type Contract/Temp
Salary range TBC
Application Deadline 15/12/2025
Apply to dvog054@gmail.com
Contact Name EMY COLLINS
Contact Phone Number 0395235572, 0491 645 475

Job Description

We are urgently looking for an award winning coaching/tutoring one on one to assist in writing a short story biography on our prominent, deceased, economist, poet, Šefket M Kojić.

We will pay market fees after each consultation to complete successfully this historic short story biography between 3 thousands words and 5 thousands words.

We have included this short story draft and link to blog and only first few pages will be relevant for completion. We also expect the completed short story to be of a very high standards to enter various local and international competitions and awards among our brother soon to be published the best collection of poetry book.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/sefket m kojic/.

We require the award winner author to take an apolitical stance.  Please get in contact if you are interested.

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