Student Experience - Expressions of Interest
Job Title Student Experience - Expressions of Interest
Company Name Caulfield Grammar School
Type Casual | Full-time | Part-time
Location Yarra Junction / Kakadu NT / Boarding House Caulfield Campus
Salary range TBC
Application Deadline 31/08/2024
Apply to employment@caulfieldgs.vic.edu.au
Contact Name Caulfield Grammar School
Contact Phone Number

Job Description

We believe students of all ages should be provided a range of domestic and international experiences which challenge their perceptions of their own limits, assumptions about other people and places. It is only by experiencing the world firsthand, that one can truly understand the entirety of their own and others’ potential. These experiences not only broaden their horizons but also foster empathy, leadership, and independence. Our boarding house plays a crucial role in providing such opportunities.

Each year our Secondary students have the opportunity to participate in a range of rural and remote experiences immersing them in a set of diverse environments and cultures, fostering cultural awareness, empathy, leadership and independence. The Student Experience team supports the delivery of these experiences across the school with a particular focus on the Boarding House, Yarra Junction and Kakadu Program.

Read more and apply here.

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