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Educate Plus 2022 Alumni Campaign Award

The Caulfield Grammarians’ Association is thrilled to announce we were recently the recipient of Educate Plus’ 2022 Alumni Campaign Award in the Excellence Awards Category. The award recognises excellence in a series of activities or programs designed to engage with Alumni and/or Community.


We’d like to thank our whole CGA team (Linda Sprott, Ayesha Tiwana, Ian Wilkinson, Holly Robertson and Nick Maclaren) and Committee. A special thanks goes to Rachel Muir, our brilliantly talented Marketing & Events Manager currently on maternity leave, who was instrumental in adapting our alumni digital strategy during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.


2020 saw us develop CGA Connect, a series of targeted digital initiatives that we implemented in response to the global pandemic. Like all alumni organisations, there was an immediate need to draw on the power of our community by keeping them connected and engaged during a difficult time of increased social isolation and uncertainty.


This campaign comprised a broad range of activities such as marketing and communications, social media, technological improvements and digital optimisation.


  • Peer-to-peer Facebook Groups
  • Alumni Conversations
  • Alumni Profiles
  • Messages for the Class of 2020
  • Business Directory and #GrammariansSupportingGrammarians
  • Join an Affiliate Club


CGA Connect focused on our strategic priority of ‘Telling Our Story’ by developing content that was personal and authentic. It was important that the campaign had impact and was able to bring our Grammarian stories alive. While it covered a diverse range of approaches each aspect complemented and supported the whole campaign to strategically leverage our content.


We produced a significant body of work including 50 videos, 34 alumni profiles, 122 ambassadors/volunteers recruited and 2,284 social media posts. We achieved major increases in digital engagement metrics from the previous year including:


  • 59% increase new website users
  • 9% increase total contactable alumni
  • 11% increase Facebook followers
  • 13% increase LinkedIn group members
  • 25% increase Instagram followers
  • 15% increase Twitter followers
  • 381% increase YouTube views


By leveraging technological solutions and focusing on the quality of our content we were able to be more sophisticated about how we engaged. Especially faced with the pandemic, we were able to develop initiatives that supported an increased sense of community across Caulfield Grammarians and supported Grammarian businesses during an uncertain economic period.


Our Three-Year Strategic Plan was critical in enabling us to develop a growth mindset that not only delivered significant results but also outlined a positive roadmap for the future.


We encourage all members of our community to continue engaging with our Alumni Profiles, Alumni Conversations and Business Directory. We are so proud to be a pioneer in the space of alumni relations in an advanced digital world and are honoured to have been recognised by Educate Plus.

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