
CGA Lawn Bowls – New Bowlers Needed!

We are looking for new bowlers to join us for the 2024/25 season, which runs from September to March.

We participate in a number of social games during the season against teams from other APS alumni associations and the Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC). These are played on Wednesdays on the beautiful grass greens of the MCC Bowls Club in Hawthorn (either Swinburne Avenue or Glen Street).

At the end of the season we take part in the Annual APS Past Students Bowls Tournament, held on a Sunday at the Glen Waverley Bowls Club. A team of 12 bowlers is required and each player takes part in three games of two-bowl triples during the morning and afternoon.

Players in our team and are not restricted to past students of the School. They can also include: 1) the parents or grandparents of past or present students; and 2) past or present staff members. Players of any standard are most welcome to join us for our social games. The APS Tournament is a more competitive event but is always played in great spirit.

We are aware that some bowlers cannot take part in our Wednesday matches due to work or other commitments. If you are in this category please make contact with us and indicate your interest in being considered for the CGA team that plays in the APS Tournament. We would be particularly interested to hear from regular bowlers, who have pennant experience.

Please contact Ian Wilkinson at the CGA (ianwilkinson@caulfieldgs.vic.edu.au) if you are interested in participating in any of our social games next season or would like to be considered for selection in the CGA team that will take part in the 2025 APS Tournament. Alternatively, telephone the CGA Office on 9524 6229 to register your interest. If you have a family member who may be interested please pass on this information to them.

Our 2023/24 bowls season concluded in March with the Annual APS Tournament, played at Glen Waverley on Sunday 24th. The CGA team performed creditably against strong opposition to finish fifth. The team of Jennie Russell, Brendan King and Scott Wellington won the trophies for the best performed CGA rink. Our most recent victory in this event was in 2017. In 2026 Caulfield will be the host school, responsible for organising the event in conjunction with representatives from the Glen Waverley Bowls Club.

Phil Crabtree

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