Our Committee

Current Committee

Henry Jones


Grant Poulter

Senior Vice President

Louise Lambeth (nee Li)

Vice President / Honorary Treasurer

Fleur Goulding

Honorary Secretary

Kate Hanly

General Representative

Alex Kirchner

Young Alumni Representative

Nikki Davis (nee Oppenheimer)

General Representative

Paul Edwards

General Representative

Sam Tuck

General Representative

Lachlan Van Styn

General Representative

Non-voting MEMBERS

Ashleigh Martin

Ex Officio Member (Principal)

Linda Sprott

Ex Officio Member (Executive Director)

Our Structure


Senior Vice President

Vice President

Honorary Treasurer

Honorary Secretary

Immediate Past President

Young Alumni Representative

Up to 6 general committee members


Senior office bearers (President, Vice President etc.) are elected or nominated respectively each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and serve a 1 year term.

The Younger Past Students Representative must be 25 years or less at the time of their election and serve a 2 year term.

3 General Representatives are elected every year for a 2 year term.

The Immediate Past president is automatically elected at the conclusion of their term as President. They serve until the election of the next succeeding Immediate Past President (every 2 years).


Any voting member is eligible for election as an office bearer of the Association with the following exceptions:

Presidents not to serve more than 2 terms

Must have served at least one year before becoming President

Past presidents have a cooling off period of 10 years before they can serve as President again


Nominations for the position of any elected office must be received by the CGA’s Executive Director not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting. Nominations must be signed by 2 members of the Association (a proposer and a seconder).

Nomination forms can be downloaded here

For more details regarding eligibility criteria and elections please refer to section 8 of the CGA Constitution.